Trifid 2016/1
- volume 21
- ISSN 1214-4134
- pages 56
- closing date 30.09.2016
Pinguicula ramosa Miyoshi – a botanical review
Hiro Shimai
Pinguicula ramosa Miyoshi (Lentibulariaceae), endemic to Japan, is one of the most unique Pinguicula species often having a branched pedicel. Ecologically it occurs on cliffs formed by tuffs, which is also unusual. However, little attention has been previously given to this tiny endangered species with very few references in the literature outside of Japan. To reveal the species, observations of the plants in situ, herbarium specimen examinations, and review of the literature have been performed. In addition, comparisons with closely related species will be summarized. This work is a botanical review overall P. ramosa discussing its morphology, distribution, taxonomy, ecology, history, conservation, and other scientific matters.
Breeders´ workshop in the greenhouse
Michal Kopečný
The author resumes the third year of the Breeders´ workshop which takes place in the greenhouse in Horákov near Brno organized by Mr. and Mrs. Srba. This event took place at the end of April 2016 and participants got to know lots of interesting information. Mr. Srba thought back on his beginnings with growing carnivorous plants and he also had more expert topics on order of the day including the hybridization. The kind meeting was closed with a demonstration of pollination.
Carnivorous plants and symbiosis: 9. The fundamental role of symbiosis during evolution (part I.)
Jiří Vítek
In the opening part of this series Dr. Vítek promised to deal with the role of symbiosis in evolution by the end. To do so, it is essential to have a look at the general role of symbiosis in evolution, as well as to the principle of the Baldwin efect and continue to some selected examples of symbiosis that took crucial part in evolution of life on our planet. This part should offer a fundamental introduction to the finale of this series.
Drosera intermedia in the Czech Republic alias How is our rarest sundew doing?
Jakub Štěpán
There are three species of sundews and one hybrid that naturally occur in the Czech Republic. Drosera intermedia is the rarest of our sundews and due to the decline of suitable biotops it is on the red list (critically endangered species of the Czech Republic). Jakub has collected a great number of current both with historical registers of Drosera intermedia findings and has personally explored many of these localities. Let´s have a closer look together with Jakub at Drosera intermedia distribution in our nature.
Hunting orchids in Gargano National Park
Jakub Štěpán
Darwiniana is not only a society for growers of carnivorous plants but also for growers of other botanical curiosities. Orchids without debt have a noblesse oblige among them. Jakub does not hesitate to put off the long journey beyond the homeland while searching for nature beauty. This time he takes us to the Gargano National Park on the east coast of Italy. The objectiv is to find members of the orchid (Orchidaceae Juss.) family in this area which is generally quite rich in it. The variety of species that could be found in Gargano area is so wide that it is not worthwile to visit it.