Trifid 2017/2
- volume 22
- ISSN 1214-4134
- pages 52
- closing date 30.04.2018
Botanical Scenery in Florida and Georgia
Peter Zeller
A lucky coincidence gave the author a chance to drive from Florida to Georgia. Yeah, you probably already know what the article is going to be about primarily. The Okenfenokee Swamps located at the borders, full of pitcher plants.
The discovery of Nepenthes nebularum
Geoff Mansell
The discovery of Nepenthes nebularum cannot be detailed easily without mentioning Nepenthes robcantleyi as the describing of the latter, as a species, by Dr. Martin Cheek from Kew Gardens, was the impetus for the search and description of this new species. Let’s go search and discover with the author.
Drosera curvipes
Adam Veleba
As the recent publication (Fleischmann 2017) discloses, Drosera longiscapa Debbert has previously been described as Drosera curvipes Planch. Let's have a look at this rare sundew through its detailed description, other similar species comparison and its cultivation.
The Impact of Soil type on Pygmy Drosera Distribution
Richard Nunn, Hans Lambers
There are currently 52 species of Pygmy Drosera known to science (Lowrie 2014). The soils in south-western Australia are severely phosphorus-impoverished and Pygmy Drosera species have evolved to survive in these conditions. The aim of the article is to introduce the connection between soil type, age, and nutrient level with the evolution and species density of Pygmy Drosera species.
Photographic workshop second time alias Together to Kosiště
Robert Hanzlík
Another common event took place on Saturday, May 12. The trip to take pictures of Czech butterwort Pinguicula bohemica was led by Kuba Štěpán and the meeting point was a nice locality known as Kosiště due to the management that Darwiniana several times did here under the control of the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic.
Michal Rubeš
Nerds put heads together to find out fast and cheap way how you can quite easily make your own meteo station. It measures light intensity, temperature, pressure and relative air humidity. The data is sent to the internet so you can have a distant access to it. The result is called – DarwiKuk – get to know it!
Regular report about everything important that Darwiniana has prepared for you. Above all: new forum, invitation to Prague Carnivorous Plants Exhibition including members' meeting, lecture and last year management report.
The Carnivorous Plants (and other cool plants) Exhibiton hindsight: 9.–18. 6. 2017
Patrik Hudec
And before we'll meet all the visitors of 15th Prague Carnivorous Plants Exhibition 2018, let's remind us the last year event through longtime administrator's perspective.