Trifid 2013/2
- volume 18
- ISSN 1214-4134
- pages 52
- closing date 31. 5. 2013
What´s new in Europe – part 2
Katka Králová, Jarda Neubauer, Dan Hordějčuk
You can read about Spanish part of expedition for Pinguicula species. Sometimes it wasn´t easy, sometimes it was funny as we met with a few animals from very close distance as a bonus.
Cultivation of tropical aquatic Utricularia inflexa
Lubomír Adamec
There is a short description of the plant at the beginning of the article. After one year of cultivation, the author gives you his own experience how to grow U. inflexa.
Do you know Czech carnivorous plants?
Jakub Štěpán
There are 13 species of carnivorous plants in the Czech Republic. You can read about them in this article. You don´t get information where to find them, this article can be used as a tip what you can find in our country and if you want, you can find more information from other sources.
An expedition for Nepenthes species to Sulawesi
Stewart McPherson
As you can see in the headline, this article is about expedition to Sulawesi, where Stewart tried (and he managed to) find pitcher plants. One of the goals of expedition was to find new pitcher plants, which he was told about. Did he succeed? You can find the answer in this article.
Bílé Karpaty (White Carpathians), the journey to the orchids treasury
Jaroslav Neubauer
A trip to Moravian localities with many nice orchids. There are many pictures in this article, so you can easily look, which species the author found.
Symbiosis and carnivorous plants – part 2: Nepenthes versus ants and termites I.
Jiří Vítek
In the last magazine you could find the article about symbiosis between Nepenthes and birds and mammals. Here is the next part, where the author describes symbiosis with ants and termites. This topic is divided into two parts.
Meeting in The botany garden Liberec
Patrik Hudec
The botany garden Liberec is something like Mecca of Czech growers of CPs. We saw unavailable greenhouses, lecture about expedition to Cuba and there was a small informative meeting about news in our society with elections to the board.