Trifid 2011/4
Natural monument „Na Plachtě“
Miloslav Macháček
The natural monument „Na Plachtě“ is surely well known for many of our czech readers. The author decided to explore it more detaily and therefore he went directly to the locality to find out how it is with an occurrence of carnivorous plants. If the expedition was successful and what else you can find in the locality, you can read in the article.
Drosera indica – to feed or not to feed ?
Jirka Vaněk
The question of feeding this beautiful sundew is duscussed among growers a quite long time. The author decided to clearly determine the effect of feeding this plant and shows us the difference between fed and not-fed plantation. Results of his experiment are brought out in this article.
Flora and insects of Sardinia Island
Albert Damaška
An interesting article this time extraordinarily not about carnivorous plants but many other amazing plants and organisms from Sardinia. This time you can read about lots of orchids species and many representatives of the local fauna, particularly beetles.
Sundews of Bryastrum subspecies
Kateřina Mertová
Detailed overview of habitat in which occurs one of the Drosera subspecies – Bryastrum - also known as pygmy sundews. Article also contains description of the subspecies division by the shape of gemmae.
Revision of Drosera whittakeri s. lat. and description od a new species from Kangaroo Island (South Australia), part 3.
A. Lowrie, J. G. Conran
Continuing the description of species from the complex of Drosera whittakeri. In this part you will learn about Drosera praefolia and Drosera schmutzii.
The second expedition – and Butterworts again – part 5.
Jaroslav Neubauer, Mirek Macák, Pepa Malínský
Another part of the narrative about the European Pinguiculas journey. This time we can also read about another representatives of carnivorous plants - Drosophylum.
Microuniverse excursions – part 3.
Martin Maloušek
Next part of of the series about microscoping. This time Martin will introduce some interesting organism specimens.