Trifid 2011/2
CP Exhibition 2011
Patrik Hudec
President of our society sums up the most important events from the 8th year of Darwiniana’s traditional CP exhibition which was held in Botanical garden of Charles University in Prague in June 2011.
Few facts about Darlingtonia and it’s growing
Karol Gazdik
A comprehensive article containing basic information about the only species in a Darlingtonia genus – Darlingtonia californica. The author describes plant’s characteristic signs and compares them with the Darlingtonia’s closest relatives – Heliamphora and Sarracenia. The second part of the article contains particular description of growing conditions and a plenty of useful tips how to achieve the plant’s best grow
Trip to Nepenthes paradise – Borneo 2009, part VI
Vašek Kubín
The last part of the series portraying almost 1 month of hiking in Borneo supplemented by amazing pictures from the wild and tons of unbelievable stories the author came through during the expedition. This time we’ll be introduced to several botanical species of Nepenthes genus and some natural hybrids too. But the biggest attention is paid to 2 rare beauties – Nepenthes villosa and Nepenthes rajah.
Das Taublatt
Adam Veleba
This time our librarian doesn’t present any CP book but perfectly composed magazine with loads of remarkable articles and plenty of astonishing photos published by friendly German society GFB.
Drosera dilatato-petiolaris
Jirka Vaněk
The author introduces another sundew from petiolaris complex. You can learn many interesting things about it’s appearance, growing strategy, temperature and humidity conditions in it’s habitat. And the most important – how to grow this Australian stunner.
New hybrid: Utricularia microcalyx × sandersonii
Jakub Štěpán
The author describes his about 1 year long way of successful bladderwort hybridization from the cross-pollination to sowing seeds and finally a joy from the first bloom of the new hybrid.
Cephalotus follicularis and Drosophylum lusitanicum year-round outdoors: nothing impossible
Jakub Štěpán
In some of the previous Trifid journal you could learn how Cephaotus follicularis deals with light frost. This time the author went further and tried to let this plant overwinter outdoors together with Drosophylum exposed to quite long czech winter.
HTG experiment: Drosera burkeana team
Dan Hordějčuk, Katka Braunová
Next article from How-To-Grow experiment in which several teams of growers try to find the best growing condition for different carnivorous plants and break several common myths about their requirements. This time we bring results of Drosera burkeana team from the first phase which was focused to find the most convenience type of soil for this sundew.
The second journey – the butterworts again, part III
Jarda Neubauer, Pepa Malínský, Mirek Macák
The third part of the report from hiking over European butterworts localities. Described part of the journey was focused mainly to habitats of Pinguicula longifolia but we can also learn about some other Pinguicula species. The goal of this journey – to find a locality with red coloured plants – was achieved after all although no one had believed in succes. You can read not only about butterworts but many other interesting and rare plants too.