Trifid 2010/1
Prague botanical garden – Exhibition of orchids
Martin Dlouhý
A short report from the exhibition, which took place at the Fata Morgana greenhouse in the botanical garden, Prague from 12. to 21.3. There were a lot of species of the orchid family on display. And of course, our colleague Ludo Verdyck was in attendance so it was possible to buy a rare pet flowers or to get some advice on growing.
How to Grow experiment – the Heliamphora minor Team
The group leader: Petr Bílek
The Heliamphora minor Team disclose their findings and results concerning the ongoing experiment throughout the previous year. The members of this Team present their methods on how to obtain much needed data about the extremes of growing and also the results – the right way of growing. So let‘s see what new news the second year of experiment will bring.
A journey into Nepenthes' paradise - Borneo 2009 – part I
Václav Kubín
The author describes the first four days of his trip to Borneo. He also explains when and how he got the idea to go to Borneo and to fulfil his life long dream, about the difficulties he experienced on his journey through the Borneo wilderness, first Nepenthes… to be continued.
Kosiště project – plans for this year
Michal Rubeš
What we have done together to save our endemite throughout the previous year and a work plan for the year 2010. The next outing is „A day taking pictures of flowering P. bohemica“ and a visit to see carnivorous plants in the local vicinity.
Licences for photos in VAMR (Large atlas of carnivorous plants)
Michal Rubeš
The Czech Republic is a country where it is possible to use the Creative Commons (cc) licences. The author describes various possibilities on the right way to use photos in the VAMR encyclopedia. It could be quite useful to know what some of these licences mean and how to use them.
Peter D'Amato: The Savage Garden
Adam Veleba
Adam picked a very interesting book from the „D“ library and wrote a detailed review. How this book is different from others? It describes rare types of substrate and pots, possibilities of artificial lights, fertilizing, feeding, practical advice for the real beginners with just two pots on the window to advanced growers with large greenhouses and much much more…
There are not all the same N. gracilis
Jaroslav Neubauer
The author's journey to Sumatra was full of surprises. One of the topics of this article were how in nature there are varying differences in conditions and the locations of big and pretty N. gracilis as well as, the findings about appearance of N. gracilis in Sumatra and in Singapore and differences of plants in nature and cultivated plants.
Pretty South Americans III
Adam Veleba
This article focuses on information about the South American Sundews, in particular D. graminifolia from Brasil and D. meristocaulis, a rare plant from the table mountains of Venezuela.
Under the Southern cross, again
Jan Novák
The author confirms that on some occasions the goals of an expedition are not met and as Chile is such a beautiful country, it is more of a good reason to return.
A. Lowrie's window box – 8 new genus of Australian sundews – Part III.
A. Lowrie, S. Carlquist
The series continues with a key description of sundews D. paleacea subsp. stelliflora and D. peltata „bicolor“. The first one grows in big colonies, whereas the second one seems to be endangered by the loss of its natural habitat.