Trifid 2009/2
Helping to save a bog meadow in the Loučeň locality
Jakub Štěpán
Sometimes it is necessary to give nature a helping hand when its habitat has been harmed by humans and the normal life cycle of bog meadows is disrupted, so for example if one dries out there isn’t another one to host plants.
Generative propagation of the Utricularia section Orchidioides
Miroslav Macák
Important observations of the author's own four year project on U. alpina, U. endresii and U. asplundii. The author proves that without laboratory equipment even the common grower can be successful though lots of patience is needed of course.
Fringe species of pitcher plants of islands in the Pacific and Indian ocean
Stew McPherson
There are few endemic species outside the main region of pitcher plants occurrence. In this article, there is detailed description and comparison of N. madagascariensis, N. pervillei and N. vieillardii.
- Darwiniana General Meeting in Ústí nad Labem
- The report of the Board of Trustees activities
Pitcher plants and the neverending fight with pests
Lucie Bartoňová
Sometimes drastic and radical methods are the only way to fight pests. It never ceases to surprise me what these plants can endure.
Experiences with Agrion Delta spray
Michal Rubeš
Plants cannot survive everything, of course, and very often both the pests and the plants die. The author tried one of the sprays and discovered that plants are almost untouched while the pests are wiped out.
Finding Utricularia vulgaris in Hrabanovská černava area
Jakub Štěpán
A report about the findings one of our very endangered species of Utricularia.
The Pinguicula bohemica locality around Loučeň
Jakub Štěpán
Our great endemic butterwort, very endangered, on a bog meadow near Loučeň.
A comparison of Pinguicula bohemica in the Jestřebí and Loučeň locality
Miroslav Macák
A supplementary article with photos to compare the appearance of plants in two places.
A journey to find butterworts and how they are growing – part II
Jaroslav Neubauer
The journey continues from a point on the Rio Mundo river. The author takes us to localities of P. mundii, P. vallisneriifolia, P. nevadensis, P. longifolia, Drosophyllum lusitanicum, P. leptoceras, P. crystallina, P. lusitanica and P. grandiflora. There ends the journey and next time we will be able to read about the author’s new methods and results.
Allen Lowrie’s window
Allen Lowrie (translation by Zdeněk Žáček)
In this regular series we can learn more about another two species of Australian tuberous sundews Drosera rupicola and Drosera stolonifera.