Trifid 2008/1
Drosera cistiflora
Martin Spousta
Although this plant comes from the Cape Town region of Africa like the indestructible Drosera capensis, it is not easy to enrich the collection with its nice big flowers. On the other hand your patience will be rewarded when you find the optimal conditions for growing this interesting sundew.
Allen Lowrie's window
Allen Lowrie (translation by Zdeněk Žáček)
The end of the two part article Taxonomical review of tuberous sundews with yellow flowers from south-west of Western Australia.
This time we learn details about shape and the needs of sundews Drosera subhirtella and Drosera zigzagia. Again it is accompanied by the author's original drawings. This article is translated and published with the author's kind permission for which we thank him very much.
Mirek Zacpal's Australian diary – Drosera spathulata
Mirek Zacpal
Our colleague who actually is located directly at the source helps us to free off possible doubts about the origin of this sundew in our collections.
Czech terminology (nomenclature) in the practice at botanical gardens
Miloslav Studnička
Reflections on the state of Czech names of plants and outline of possible solutions presented at the conference Botanical system and evidence of plants in botanical gardens. We kindly thank the author and editor for their permission to publish this extremely interesting article.
Propagation of carnivorous plants in the "in vitro" tissue cultures
Michal Kouba
The author has been successfully engaged in tissue cultures for a long time and in this article he picked out advice about the right medium to set the culture up correctly.
Should growers be allowed to have chance to own endangered plants?
Michal Rubeš
A philosophical thought on the price which our nature must pay for our often uncritical desires to own everything strange and rare.
What's new in the Liberec Botanical Garden
Miloslav Studnička
Although it seems, that in this northern botanical garden will spring be late, the very opposite is true. Not only the conditions in the glasshouse are something to be seen but the opportunity to take photos and the outdoor exposition also surprises us with lesser-known species of rock garden plants.
- Informations from the society life
- State of society account
- What's new on the web forum
- The seed bank report
- Continuation of the VAMR project – Big encyclopedia of carnivorous plants, living medium with texts and photos
- Report from the celebration of publishing of new Miloslav Studnička's book completed from his articles in the Živa magazine
- How we did the bladder day – event with microscopes, lots of bladderworts and fun
- Short note about the cooperation of the nature science society
- Report from the Orchid exhibition in Fata Morgana glasshouse
- Planned events – not to forget terms of the Spring exhibition of carnivorous plants in Brno, the Spring meeting of society members, the Autumn exhibition of carnivorous plants in Prague and the EEE in Italy. The invitation to the Spring meeting of Darwiniana members: May 17, 10:00 at the main entrance of the Liberec Botanical Garden's glasshouse, Purkyňova 1, Liberec.
Drosera hartmeyerorum
Jaroslav Rajsner & Katka Braunová
Notes about right growing
Short articles
- Jiří Vaněk: Easy way to measure relative air humidity
- Ivo Durník: About my collection (series Everybody has to start from somewehere)
- Jan Cvrček: My collection + How primitive but how effective
- Legal protection of carnivorous plants in the Czech Republic – Important information brought by Martin Spousta & Jan Franta
- A review of the Živa magazine – What you can read in the current issue.