PF 2024 & seznam nové literatury za rok 2023

Adam Veleba

Vážení čtenáři, členové i příznivci Darwiniany, předně vám všem přeji poklidné Vánoce a do nového roku mnoho zdraví a dalších dobrých věcí, ale zejména a především pěstitelských úspěchů. Zároveň bych chtěl poděkovat všem, kdo se nějak podíleli na našich aktivitách: autorům článků v online Trifidovi, účastníkům a organizátorům setkání, všem, kteří pomáhali s výstavou, děkuji i svým kolegům ve správní radě za mnoho práce kolem provozních záležitostí Darwiniany. Děkuji prostě všem, kdo se nějak podíleli na naší činnosti a pokud jsem na něco zásadního zapomněl, je to pouze moje děravá paměť a ne úmysl.

Troufám si říci, že se nám letos poměrně dařilo. Darwiniana rozjela nový velký projekt s cílem napsat knihu (a i když textu zatím přibylo málo, zvládli jsme na pozadí mnoho nezbytných technikálií). Online Trifid letos výrazně ožil, mohli jste si přečíst reportáže z lokalit, pěstitelské návody i další texty. Výstava se vydařila, byla hojně navštěvována a skončila se ziskem. (Nejen) v reakci na to pracujeme na poněkud otravných, ale nezbytných formalitách, abychom měli splněné všechny povinnosti z hlediska zákona. Vyšlo několik nových knih - konečně jsme se dočkali velkého setu o rodu Nepenthes (a máme ho samozřejmě v knihovně).

Samozřejmě jsme také i nadále dostávali literaturu od RNDr. Luboše Adamce. Já osobně jsem letos asi nejvíce pročítal popisy nových druhů - nemůžu se například dočkat, až se do kultury dostane krásná Pinguicula jimburensis z Ekvádoru. Jako vždy zdůrazňuji, že níže uvedené odborné články, které se nějak týkají masožravek, jsou k dispozici v naší knihovně. Lubošovi za jeho unikátní práci děkuji, zpracovat každý rok takovou databázi a udržovat se pravidelně v obraze zabere pořádný kus času.

Užijte si tedy svátky, nechť vaše rostliny s úspěchem přežijí nevlídné zimní dny a v novém roce se snad opět potkáme, osobně či na webu.

Seznam nové odborné literatury pro rok 2024:

Kowalska A. M., 2021. [What scientific potential is contained in investigations of the composition and structure of surface waxes of plants of the Nepenthes genus?] In Polish. Tutoring Gedanensis 6: 26-32.

Libantova J., Frátrikova M., Jopcik M., Bauer M., Rajninec M., 2021. In silico characterization of beta-1,3-glucanase promotor from Drosera binata. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. Food Sci.11: e2670.

Minh H. D. T., 2021. The features of reproductive adaptation of of carnivorous plant Utricularia aurea. HNUE J. SCI., Educ. Sci. 66: 191-197.

Baleeiro P. C., Gonella P. M., Sano P. T., Jobson R. W., 2022. Unveiling Utricularia amethystina's true colours: a taxonomic revision of one of the largest species complexes (U. sect. Foliosa, Lentibulariaceae). Phytotaxa 576: 29-54.

Canalli Y. D., Soares B. E., Moreira A. D. R., Sakuragui C. M., 2022. First record of Utricularia breviscapa C.Wright ex Griseb. (Lentibulariaceae) in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. Check List 18: 983-987.

Carballo A. C., Pereira M. P., Seoane M. P., Balbuena E. S., 2022. Two interesting contributions for the Flora of Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula). Nova Acta Cienc. Compostel. Biol. 29: 1-3.

Costa F. D., Ramos G. J. P., Santana L. M., Oliveira I. B., Bicudo C. E. D., Moura C. W. D., 2022. Morphological diversity and ecological aspects of Euastrum taxa (Desmidiaceae) associated with macrophytes from a wetland in the semiarid region of Bahia, Brazil. Braz. J. Bot. 45: 1327-1343.

Cross A. T., van der Ent A., Wickmann M., Laura M. Skates L. M., Sumail S., Gebauer G., Robinson A., 2022. Capture of mammal excreta by Nepenthes is an effective heterotrophic nutrition strategy. Ann. Bot. 130: 927-938.

Givnish T. J., Shiba Z. W., 2022. Leaf NPK stoichiometry, δ15N, and apparent nutrient limitation of co‐occurring carnivorous vs. noncarnivorous plants. Ecology 103: e3825.

Grande Allende J. R., 2022. Utricularia elephanthoides (Lentibulariaceae), especie nueva del Escudo Guayanés. Acta Bot. Mex. 129: e2049.

Grishutkin O. G., Ershkova E. V., Sokolova I. S., 2022. Aquatic vascular plants in the mires of the Volga Upland: Distribution, occurrence, and ecology. Inland Water Biol. 15(SI): 773-783.

Holloway J. C., Brewer J. S., 2022. Growth and tissue nutrient responses of adults of Sarracenia alata to prey exclusion, nutrient addition, and neighbor reduction. Am. J. Bot. 109: 2006-2017.

Jobson R. W., Baleeiro P. C., 2022. Recircumscription of Utricularia leptorhyncha and U. lasiocaulis and three related new species for northern Australia. Telopea 25: 363–383.

Katogi T., Homan Y., Takahashi C., Hoshi Y., 2022. A comparative study of biseriate glandular trichomes of allopolyploid species Drosera tokaiensis and its parental species. Cytologia 87: 353-361.

Liu Y., Wei L. C., Yu H. W., Cao X. F., Peng J. F., Liu H. J., Qu J. H., 2022. Negative impacts of nanoplastics on the purification function of submerged plants in constructed wetlands: Responses of oxidative stress and metabolic processes. Water Res. 227: e119339. Pavlovič A., Jakšová J., Hrivňacký M., Adamec L., 2022. Alternative or cytochrome? Respiratory pathways in traps of aquatic carnivorous bladderwort Utricularia reflexa. Plant Signal. Behav. 17: e2134967.

Padgett D. J., Kurosawa E., Graziano M. P., 2022. The globally rare Aldrovanda vesiculosa (Droseraceae) new to New Hampshire, USA. Rhodora 124: 103-105.

Whatmore R., Wood P. J., Dwyer C., Millett J., 2022. Prey capture by the non-native carnivorous pitcher plant Sarracenia purpurea across sites in Britain and Ireland. Ecol. Evol. 12: e9588.

Zhao Z. X., Luo G. Y., Cheng M. P., Song L. J., 2022. Water-repellent coatings on corrosion resistance by femtosecond laser processing. Coatings 12: e1736.

Alcalá R. E., Jiménez C. R., 2023. Evolución del hábito carnívoro en plantas: ¿Ejemplo de radiación adaptativa? Revista CIBIOS - BUAP 2: 26-36.

Angadam J. O., Ntwampe S. K. O., Chidi B. S., Okudoh V. I., 2023. Nepenthes mirabilis pitcher fluid functionality for agro-waste pre-treatment: Effect of pH, temperature, trace element solution and the pore size of the waste. Sustainability 15: e3906.

Aswani R., Nejumal K. K., Sebastian K. S., Aravindakumar C. T., Radhakrishnan E. K., 2023. Plant protection mediated through an array of metabolites produced by Pantoea dispersa isolated from pitcher plant. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 195: 1607-1629.

Baharin A., Ting T. Y., Goh H. H., 2023. Omics approaches in uncovering molecular evolution and physiology of botanical carnivory. Plants 12: e408.

Baldwin E., McNair M., Leebens-Mack J., 2023. Rampant chloroplast capture in Sarracenia revealed by plastome phylogeny. Front. Plant Sci. 14: e1237749.

Banaś K., Ronowski R., Marciniak P., 2023. Effects of environmental conditions on the individual architectures and photosynthetic performances of three species in Drosera. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24: e9823.

Barnes M., Sule-Suso J., Millett J., Roach P., 2023. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy as a non-destructive method for analysing herbarium specimens. Biol. Lett. 19: e20220546.

Bergmeier E., 2023. Utricularia ochroleuca and U. minor new-found in nutrient-poor waters of northern Greece. Nord. J. Bot. 2023: e03863.

Brožová V., Bolstad J. S., Seregin A. P., Eidesen P. B., 2023. From everywhere all at once: Several colonization routes available to Svalbard in the early Holocene. Ecol. Evol. 13: e9892.

Casini R., Del Lesto I., Magliano A., Ermenegildi A., Ceschin S., De Liberato C., Romiti F., 2023. Predation efficiency of the carnivorous aquatic plant Utricularia australis against Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus larvae: Implications for biological control. Biol. Contr. 179: e105182.

Conquet E., Ozgul A., Blumstein D. T., Armitage K. B., Oli M. K., Martin J. G. A., Clutton-Brock T. H., Paniw M., 2023. Demographic consequences of changes in environmental periodicity. Ecology 104: e3894.

Cuellar-Gempeler C., terHorst C. P., Mason O. U., Miller T., 2023. Predator dispersal influences predator distribution but not prey diversity in pitcher plant microbial metacommunities. Ecology 104: e3912.

Cuevas E., Martínez-Díaz Y., Montes A. D., Espinosa-García F. J., 2023. Floral and leaf-trap volatiles and their relationship to pollinator and prey attraction in Pinguicula moranensis (Lentibulariaceae). Arthropod-Plant Interact. 17: 687-694.

De Moraes P. L. R., 2023. Miscellaneous notes on specimens collected in Surat, Johanna Island and Cacota de Surata, with emphasis on the Linnaean Herbarium (LINN). Phytotaxa 603: 43-59.

Dennett J. M., Dersch A., Barraza F., Shotyk W., Nielsen S. E., Chipewyan Prairie First Nation, 2023. Trace elements in the culturally significant plant Sarracenia purpurea in proximity to dust sources in the oil sands region of Alberta, Canada. Sci. Total Environ. 896: e165142.

Dupont C., Buatois B., Bessiere J. M., Villemant C., Hattermann T., Gomez D., Gaume L., 2023. Volatile organic compounds influence prey composition in Sarracenia carnivorous plants. PloS One 18: e0277603.

Fayez S., Cacciatore A., Maneenet J., Nguyen H. H., Tajuddeen N., Feineis D., Assi L. A., Awale S., Bringmann G., 2023. Dioncophyllidine E: The first configurationally semi-stable, 7,3-coupled naphthyldihydroisoquinoline alkaloid, from Ancistrocladus abbreviatus, with antiausterity activity against PANC-1 human pancreatic cancer cells. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 86: e129234.

Fedoniuk T. P., Skydan O. V., 2023. Incorporating geographic information technologies into a framework for biological diversity conservation and preventing biological threats to landscapes. Space Sci. Technol. 29: 10-21.

Fischer E., Wursten B., Darbyshire I., 2023. A new and possibly carnivorous species of Crepidorhopalon (Linderniaceae) from Mozambique. Phytotaxa 603: 191–198.

Fitmawati E., Sartika, Juliantari E., 2023. Diversity of pitcher plants (Nepenthes spp.) in Riau Archipelago province, Indonesia. Sabrao J. Breed. Genet. 55: 927-939.

Fleck S. J., Jobson R. W., 2023. Molecular phylogenomics reveals the deep evolutionary history of carnivory across land plants. Plants - Basel 12: e3356.

Fukushima K., 2023. Carnivorous plants: Unlocking the secrets of peristome geometry in pitcher plants. Curr. Biol. 33: 1155-1157. Gamova N. S., Korotkov Y. N., 2023. New findings of vascular plants from the Republic of Buryatia and Khamar-Daban ridge. Turczaninowia 26: 62-92.

Gao Y., Liao H. B., Liu T. H., Wu J. M., Wang Z. F., Cao H. L., 2023. Draft genome and transcriptome of Nepenthes mirabilis, a carnivorous plant in China. BMC Genom. Data 24: e21.

Gunathilaka N., Perera R., Amerasinghe D., Udayanga L., 2023. Laboratory scale evaluation of the feasibility of locally found bladderworts as biological agents to control dengue vector, Aedes aegypti in Sri Lanka. BMC Plant Biol. 23: e461.

Han D. D., Zhang Y. L., Chen Z. D., Li J. C., Ma J. N., Mao J. W., Zhou H., Sun H. B., 2023. Carnivorous plants inspired shape-morphing slippery surfaces. Opto-Electr. Adv. 6: e2101063.

Hedrich R., Kreuzer I., 2023. Demystifying the Venus flytrap action potential. New Phytol. 239: 2108-2112.

Hoffelt R. K. W., Doubek J. P., 2023. Bladderwort relationship to zooplankton in two northern Michigan lakes. Diversity 15: e171.

Huang S., Hedrich R., 2023. Trigger hair thermoreceptors provide for heat-induced calcium-electrical excitability in Venus flytrap. Curr. Biol. 33: 1-7.

Iosip A. L., Scherzer S., Bauer S., Becker D., Krischke M., Al-Rasheid K. A. S., Schultz J., ; Kreuzer I., Hedrich R., 2023. DYSCALCULIA, a Venus flytrap mutant without the ability to count action potentials. Curr. Biol. 33: 589-596.

Ivesic C., Krammer S., Koller-Peroutka M., Laarouchi A., Gruber D., Lang I., Lichtscheidl I. K., Adlassnig W., 2023. Quantification of protein uptake by endocytosis in carnivorous Nepenthales. Plants 12: e341.

Konwar P., Das B., Saikia J., Borah T., Washmin N., Siga A., Kumar A., Banik D., 2023. Identifying conservation priority areas and predicting the climate change impact on the future habitats of endangered Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. utilizing ecological niche modelling. J. Nat. Conserv. 74: e126436.

Krasuska U., Wal A., Staszek P., Ciacka K., Gniazdowska A., 2023. Do reactive oxygen and nitrogen species have a similar effect on digestive processes in carnivorous Nepenthes plants and humans? Biology 12: e1356.

Krueger T., Bateman P. W., Fleischmann A., Cross A. T., 2023. Better to risk limb than life: some insects use autotomy to escape passive predation by carnivorous plants. Arthropod-Plant Interact. 17: 593–599.

Krueger T., Cross A. T., Rangers D., Fleischmann A., 2023. Drosera maanyaa-gooljoo, a new species of Drosera section Arachnopus (Droseraceae) from the Buccaneer Archipelago and Yampi Peninsula, northwest Kimberley region, Western Australia. Phytotaxa 618: 031–046.

Krueger T., Robinson A., Bourke G., Fleischmann A., 2023. Small leaves, big diversity: Citizen science and taxonomic revision triples species number in the carnivorous Drosera microphylla complex (D. Section Ergaleium, Droseraceae). Biology 12: e141.

Laspisa D., llla-Berenguer E., Bang S., Schmitz R. J., Parrott W., Wallace J., 2023. Mining the Utricularia gibba genome for insulator-like elements for genetic engineering. Front. Plant Sci. 14: e1279231.

Li Y. X., Chen A., Leu W. M., 2023. Sessile trichomes play major roles in prey digestion and absorption, while stalked trichomes function in prey predation in Byblis guehoi. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24: e5305.

Lin E. S., Huang Y. H., Chung J. C., Su H. H., Huang C. Y., 2023. The inhibitory effects and cytotoxic activities of the stem extract of Nepenthes miranda against single-stranded DNA-binding protein and oral carcinoma cells. Plants-Basel 12: e2188.

Lopez-Orenes A., Ferrer M. A., Calderon A. A., 2022. Microwave radiation as an inducer of secondary metabolite production in Drosera rotundifolia in vitro plantlets. J. Nat. Prod. 85: 2104–2109.

Lustofin K., Światek P., Miranda V. F. O., Płachno B. J., 2023. Phylogenetical position versus pollination syndromes: Floral trichomes of Central American and Mexican Pinguicula. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24: e8423.

Maglio M., Roccia A., 2023. Typification des noms Pinguicula variegata Arv.-Touv. et Pinguicula arvetii Genty (Lentibulariaceae) et observations sur les récoltes de Casimir Arvet-Touvet. Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon 92: 148-164.

Mahardhika A. Y., Wahyuni S., Siregar H. M. et al., 2023. New distributional records and conservation implications for the threatened Sumatra endemic Nepenthes lavicola Wistuba & Rischer (Nepenthaceae). J. Nat. Conserv. 74: e126441.

Maquart P. O., Rahola N., Chhuoy K., Heng K. M. Y., Chhum M., Suor K, Boyer S., 2023. Description of a new species of Toxorhynchites (Diptera: Culicidae) from Nepenthes pitchers in Cambodia. J. Asia-Pacific Entomol. 26: e102064.

Matsubara N., Goto A., Uchida K., Sasaki T., 2023. Patterns of flower-visiting insects depend on flowering phenological shifts along an altitudinal gradient in subalpine moorland ecosystems. Biologia 78: 809-818.

Mendoza‑Pérez A. L., Figueroa‑Castro D. M., 2023. Vegetative reproduction in Pinguicula heterophylla (Lentibulariaceae): differential role of aboveground and belowground biomass. Braz. J. Bot. 46: 453-458.

Mishra S., Devidas B. A., Kumar S., 2023. Carnivorous plants of Jamtara Forest Division, Jharkhand, India. J. Biodivers. Conserv. 7: 27-35.

Mohn R. A., Zenil-Ferguson R., Krueger T. A., Fleischmann A. S., Cross A. T., Yang Y., 2023. Dramatic difference in rate of chromosome number evolution among sundew (Drosera L., Droseraceae) lineages. Evolution 77: 2314-2325.

Mollaamin F., 2023. Computational methods in the drug delivery of carbon nanocarriers onto several compounds in Sarraceniaceae medicinal plant as Monkeypox therapy. Computation 11: e84.

Narvhus J. A., Abrahamsen R. K., 2023. Traditional and modern Nordic fermented milk products: A review. Int. Dairy J. 142: e105641. Nishihara S., Shiga T., Nishihiro J., 2023. The discovery of a new locality for Aldrovanda vesiculosa (Droseraceae), a critically endangered free-floating plant in Japan. J. Asia-Pacific Biodivers. 16: 227-233.

Pavlovič A., Vrobel O., Tarkowski P., 2023. Water cannot activate traps of the carnivorous sundew plant Drosera capensis: On the trail of Darwin’s 150-years-old mystery. Plants 12: e1820.

Pelella E., Questino B., Ceschin S., 2023. Impact of the alien aquatic plant Ludwigia hexapetala on the native Utricularia australis: Evidence from an indoor experiment. Plants (Basel) 12: e811.

Perez A. J., Tobar F., Burgess K. S., Henning T., 2023. Contributions to Ecuadorian butterworts (Lentibulariaceae, Pinguicula): two new species and a re-evaluation of Pinguicula calyptrata. Phytokeys 222: 153-171.

Płachno B. J., 2023. Carnivorous plant biology: From gene to traps. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24: e16179.

Płachno B. J., Kapusta M., Stolarczyk P., Światek P., 2023. Stellate trichomes in Dionaea muscipula Ellis (Venus flytrap) traps, structure and functions. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 24: e553.

Płachno B. J., Kapusta M., Stolarczyk P., Świątek P., Lichtscheidl I., 2023. Differences in the occurrence of cell wall components between distinct cell types in glands of Drosophyllum lusitanicum. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24: e15045.

Płachno B. J., Kapusta M., Stolarczyk P., Wójciak M., Świątek P., 2023. Immunocytochemical analysis of bifid trichomes in Aldrovanda vesiculosa L. traps. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24: e3358.

Procko C., Chory J., Pirro S., 2023. The genome sequences of 17 species of carnivorous plants. Biodivers. Genom. (November) (

Procko C., Wong W. M., Patel J., Mousavi S. A. R., Dabi T., Duque M., Baird L., Chalasani S. H., Chory J., 2023. Mutational analysis of mechanosensitive ion channels in the carnivorous Venus flytrap plant. Curr. Biol. 33: 1–8.

Rahmawati R., Megawati K., Yusran Y., 2023. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi status of Nepenthes spp. around Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Forest. Ideas 29: 94–108.

Reut M. S., Płachno B. J., 2023. Development, diversity and dynamics of plant architecture in Utricularia subgenus Polypompholyx – Towards understanding evolutionary processes in the Lentibulariaceae. Bot. Rev. 89: 201–236.

Ritchie R. J., Sma-Air S., Kongkawn C., Sawattawee J., 2023. Photosynthetic electron transport in pitcher plants (Nepenthes mirabilis). Photosyn. Res. 155: 147-158.

Saarela J. M., Sokoloff P. C., Gillespie L. J., Bull R. D., 2023. Vascular plant biodiversity of Katannilik Territorial Park, Kimmirut and vicinity on Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada: an annotated checklist of an Arctic flora. Phytokeys 217: 1-135.

Saidon N. A., Wagiran A., Samad A. F. A., Salleh F. M., Mohamed F., Jani J., Linatoc A. C., 2023. DNA barcoding, phylogenetic analysis and secondary structure predictions of Nepenthes ampullaria, Nepenthes gracilis and Nepenthes rafflesiana. Genes 14: e697.

Segala M. C., John D. Horner J. D., 2023. The effects of light availability, prey capture, and their interaction on pitcher plant morphology. Plant Ecol. 224: 539-548.

Silva S. R., Miranda V. F. O., Michael T. P., Płachno B. J., Matos R. G., Adamec L., Pond S. L. K., Lucaci A. G., Pinheiro D. G., Varani A. M., 2023. The phylogenomics and evolutionary dynamics of the organellar genomes in carnivorous Utricularia and Genlisea species (Lentibulariaceae). Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 181: e107711.

Sinkevičiene Z., Kamaityte-Bukelskiene L., Petrulaitis L., Gudžinskas Z., 2023. Current distribution and conservation issues of aquatic plant species protected under habitats directive in Lithuania. Diversity 15: e185.

Shimai H., Ohmori T., 2023. Threatened aquatic plant Aldrovanda vesiculosa L.: A review of its discovery and extinction in Japan. Aquat. Bot. 188: e103682.

Staszek P., Piekarniak M.,Wal A., Krasuska U., Gniazdowska A., 2023. Is the phytotoxic effect of digestive fluid of Nepenthes x ventrata on tomato related to reactive oxygen species? Plants (Basel) 12: e755.

Sung D. B., Lee J. S., 2023. Natural-product-based fluorescent probes: recent advances and applications. RSC Med. Chem. 14: 412-432. Surridge C., 2023. Jasmonate signaling. Diversity in digestion. Nat. Plants 9: e1577.Yang J. L., Song Y. Y., Zhang X., Zhang Z. Q., Cheng G. G., Liu Y., Lv G. J., Ding J. N., 2023. Research progress of bionic fog collection surfaces based on special structures from natural organisms. RSC Adv. 13: 27839-27864.

Tauber F. J., Scheckenbach F., Walter M., Pretsch T., Speck T., 2023. A 3D-printed thermoresponsive artificial Venus flytrap lobe based on a multilayer of shape memory polymers. In: Meder F. et al. (Eds.): Living Machines 2023, LNAI 14157, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, pp. 91–108.

Valdés A., Helmutsdottir V. F., Marteinsdottir B., Ehrlen J., 2022. Selection against early flowering in geothermally heated soils is associated with pollen but not prey availability in a carnivorous plant. Am. J. Bot. 109: 1693-1701.

Verges V., Bellenger L., Pichon O., Giglioli-Guivarc'h N., Dutilleul C., Ducos E., 2023. The Arabidopsis DUF239 gene family encodes Neprosin-like proteins that are widely expressed in seed endosperm. Plant Genome16: e20290.

Wang C., Lv C. R., Sun X. Y., Huang F. Z., Wu W. T., Li C. H., Zhang J., Li S. K., 2023. Nepenthes-inspired hierarchical ZnIn2S4/Ru nanotubes with chemical bond-mediated interface enable efficient photocatalytic benzyl alcohol oxidation. Appl. Surf. Sci. 616: e156601.

Winkelmann T., Bringmann G., Herwig A., Hedrich R., 2023. Carnivory on demand: phosphorus deficiency induces glandular leaves in the African liana Triphyophyllum peltatum. New Phytol. 239: 1140-1152.

Wójciak M., Feldo M., Stolarczyk P., Płachno B. J., 2023. Carnivorous plants from Nepenthaceae and Droseraceae as a source of secondary metabolites. Molecules 28: e2155.

Wójciak M., Feldo M., Stolarczyk P., Płachno B. J., 2023. Biological potential of carnivorous plants from Nepenthales. Molecules 28: e3639.

Xu M. T., Xu Z. J., Jiang Z. J., Shao W. W., Zhang L. H., Chen Y. F., Dong Z. X., Liu C. H., Zhang W. X., Wan X. J., 2023. Biomimicking integrates peristome surface of Nepenthes alata onto biliary stents tips. Chem. Engin. J. 454: e140064.

Yang J. C., Wang F. H., Lu Y. J., 2023. Design of a bistable artificial Venus flytrap actuated by low pressure with larger capture range and faster responsiveness. Biomimetics 8: 181.

Yaroshuk T., Stasulli N. M., 2022. Complete genome sequence of a Luteibacter strain isolated from a carnivorous pitcher plant (Sarracenia minor). Microbiol. Resour. Announc. 11: e00697-22.

Yawn N. D., Determann R. O., Folkerts D. R., Thompson P., Stephens J. D., 2023. Census and reassessment of the critically endangered Alabama canebrake pitcher plant (Sarracenia alabamensis), 25 years later. J. Torr. Bot. Soc. 150: 365-384.

Yu M., Arai N., Ochiai T., Ohyama T., 2023. Expression and function of an S1-type nuclease in the digestive fluid of a sundew, Drosera adelae. Ann. Bot. 131: 335-346.

Yudaputra A., Astuti I. P., Handayani T., Siregar H., Robiansyah I., Wahyuni S., et al., 2023. Comprehensive approaches for assessing extinction risk of endangered tropical pitcher plant Nepenthes talangensis. PLoS ONE 18: e0289722.

Zarubina E. Y., Romanov R. E., 2023. Floristic novelties for the territory of the National Park Krasnoyarskie Stolby. Turczaninowia 26: 57-70.

Zhang J. L., Yang Q., Ma Q. Y., Ren F. Z., Li H. Y., Zhang C. J., Cheng Y., Chen F., 2023. A stretchable slippery surface fabricated by femtosecond laser direct writing. Appl. Physics Lett. 123: e051603.

Zhang Z., Zhao R., Wang S. T., Meng J. X., 2023. Recent advances in bio-inspired ionic liquid-based interfacial materials from preparation to application. Front. Bioengin. Biotechnol. 11: e1117944.