Seznam masožravé literatury za rok 2024
- datum:
- 2025-01-07
- autor:
- Adam Veleba
Seznam literatury za uplynulý rok nám, jako vždy, zaslal RNDr. Luboš Adamec. Zahrnuje přes 120 studií, které se nějak dotýkají masožravých rostlin. Jemu srdečně děkuji a vám, čtenářům, přeji úspěšný (především pěstitelsky) rok 2025!
Studie i letos zahrnují výzkumy na stávajících druzích, ať už se týkají jejich fyziologie, ekologie, morfologie nebo využití lidmi skrze biomimetické materiály (napodobující např. vlastnosti peristomu u láček) a obsahové látky (v kurzu jsou podle četnosti výzkumů poslední dobou například naftochinony). Najdeme i popisy nových druhů (letos, jak se zdá, vedou nové druhy tučnic, byly ale popsány i nové láčkovky).
Dovolil bych si „vypíchnout“ studii Robinson & Roberts (2024). Ta se zabývá legalitou nově popsaných druhů láčkovek ve sbírkách. Celkově je téma ochrany druhů stále více diskutováno. Je smutným faktem, že objem nelegálně sbíraných a pašovaných rostlin je přes veškeré snahy o osvětu i postihování pytláků a překupníků stále značný. Pozornost autorit a ochranářů se tak pomalu obrací ke kupcům, tedy pěstitelům, neboť některé druhy jsou ohroženy především právě nelegálním sběrem a prodejem. Vymahatelnost ochrany je navíc místy téměř nereálná a logika je neúprosná: bez poptávky není nabídka. Rozsáhlý článek o problematice ochrany a ohrožení masožravých rostlin je ve zpracování a měl by být v dohledné době přeložen a publikován v Trifidovi.
Na tuto problematiku se ovšem můžeme podívat i pozitivně. Pokud poroste význam původu rostlin a bude tlak na to, aby pocházely především z kultury, vyniká Česko dlouhodobou tradicí v rozmnožování rostlin i živočichů v zajetí a vždy u nás byla silná chovatelská a pěstitelská základna. Máme tedy na co navázat a v čem vynikat.
Seznam literatury za rok 2024:
Adamec L., Plačková L., Bitomský M., Doležal K., 2024. Hormonal profiles in dormant turions of 22 aquatic plant species: do they reflect functional or taxonomic traits? Ann. Bot. 134: 219–231.
Adamec L., Plačková L., Doležal K., 2024. Characteristics of turion development in two aquatic carnivorous plants: Hormonal profiles, gas exchange and mineral nutrient content. Plant Direct 8: e558.
Adamec L., Plačková L., Doležal K., 2025. Hormonal profiles in shoot apices in (sub)tropical populations of the aquatic carnivorous plant Aldrovanda vesiculosa in summer and winter. Aquat. Bot. 196: e103833.
Arellano A. A., Young E. B., Coon K. L., 2024. An inquiline mosquito modulates microbial diversity and function in an aquatic microecosystem. Mol. Ecol. 33: e17314.
Banaś K., Aksmann A., Płachno B. J., Kapusta M., Marciniak P., Ronowski R., 2024. Individual architecture and photosynthetic performance of the submerged form of Drosera intermedia Hayne. BMC Plant Biology 24: e449.
Barbieri F., Stahnke P., Gonzatti F., Araújo F. P. de, 2023. Flora vascular dos banhados do Parque Natural Municipal da Ronda, São Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Iheringa Ser. Bot. 78: e2023017.
Bartkowska A., Mieczan T., 2024. Effect of simulated eutrophication of peatlands on the microbiome of Utricularia vulgaris L. Water 16: e1046.
Bernardin J. R., Gray S. M., Bittleston L. S., 2024. Arthropod prey type drives decomposition rates and microbial community processes. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 90: e00394-24.
Bhattacharjee S., Washmin N., Borah T., Sarkar A., Mudoi K. D., Saikia S. P., Verma J. S., Banik D., 2024. Conspectus on endangered carnivorous pitcher plant Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. emphasizing in-vitro regeneration, pitcher development, and stability in genetic makeup. South Afr. J. Bot. 167: 270-284.
Bhattacharya A., Momin S. G., Sarkar P., 2024. New distribution records of the endemic pitcher plant, Nepenthes khasiana Hook. f. and identification of threats in Meghalaya, India. J. Environ. Biol. 45: 1-7.
Bittleston L. S., Wolock C. J., Maeda J., Infante V., Ané J.-M., Pierce N. E., Pringle A., 2023. Carnivorous Nepenthes pitchers with less acidic fluid house nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 89: e00812-23.
Bolpagni R., Adamec L., Dalla Vecchia A., 2024. Measuring standardized functional leaf traits of aquatic carnivorous plants – challenges and opportunities. Perspect. Plant Ecol. Evol. Syst. 65: e125826.
Cai J. Z., Mohsin I., Rogers W., Zhang M. R., Jiang L., Malmberg R., Alabady M., 2024. The microbiome and metatranscriptome of a panel from the Sarracenia mapping population reveal complex assembly and function involving host influence. Front. Plant Sci. 15: e1445713.
Cantó P., Rivas-Martínez S., 2024. Syntaxonomical checklist and vegetation series of Sierra de Guadarrama National Park (Spain). Mediter. Bot. 45: e84904.
Ciarella L., Richter A., Henke E. F. M., 2023. Integrated logic for dielectric elastomers: Replicating the reflex of the Venus flytrap. Adv. Mater. Technol. 8: e2202000.
Coronado-Martín A., Martin-Vásquez C., Jáquez M., Bahaji A., Alejandro Atarés A., 2024. Micropropagation and genetic transformation of Byblis liniflora. In Vitro Cell. Develop. Biol. – Plant 60: 634-645.
Demirci E., Sanjuan J., Tunoglu C., Tuncer A., Bulut Y., 2025. Late Miocene aquatic flora from the Yalvac Basin (Central Anatolia, Turkiye): Biostratigraphy and paleoecology. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 332: e105221.
Dkhar J., Bagri J., Dhiman, K., Pareek A., 2024. Transcriptomic and metabolomic responses to varying nutrient conditions reveal new insights into pitcher formation in Nepenthes khasiana. Physiol. Plant. 176: e14361.
Domínguez Y., 2024. Clarifying the status of Caribbean Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae) type specimens. Phytotaxa 638: 247-256.
Domínguez Y., Temple P., Pančo I., Miranda V. F. O., 2024. Biogeographical patterns of Pinguicula L. (Lentibulariaceae) in the Americas revealed by endemicity and habitat suitability analyses. Flora 313: e152484.
Ezoe A., Seki M., 2024. Exploring the complexity of genome size reduction in angiosperms. Plant Mol. Biol. 114: e121.
Faase R. A., Hummel M. H., Hasbrook A. V., Carpenter A. P., Baio J. E., 2024. A biomimetic approach towards a universal slippery liquid infused surface coating. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 15: 1376-1389.
Fu C. N., Wicke S., Zhu A. D., Li D. Z., Gao L. M., 2023. Distinctive plastome evolution in carnivorous angiosperms. BMC Plant Biol. 23: e660.
Fukushima K., 2023. A decaploid pitcher plant genome reveals a novel role for recessive subgenomes. Nat. Plants 9: 1950–1951.
Gerschler S., Neumann N., Schultze N., Guenther S., Schulze C., 2024. Quality parameters for the medicinal plant Drosera rotundifolia L.: A new approach with established techniques. Arch. Pharm. 357: e2300436.
Gorb E. V., Gorb S. N., 2024. Insect attachment on waxy plant surfaces: the effect of pad contamination by different waxes. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 15: 385-395.
Guo Y. J., Li J., Ma L. S., Shi W. T., Wang Y. K., Fu S., Lu Y. N., 2024. Preparation of aluminum-based superhydrophobic surfaces for fog collection by bioinspired Sarracenia microstructures. Biomimetics 9: e535.
Hamon L. E., Youngsteadt E., Irwin R. E., Sorenson C. E., 2024. As prey and pollinators, insects increase reproduction and allow for outcrossing in the carnivorous plant Dionaea muscipula. Am. J. Bot. 111: e16279.
He S. P., Li Z. J., Yu A. H., Guo Z. G., 2024. Underwater bubble manipulation on surfaces with patterned regions with infused lubricants. ACS Appl. Mat. Interf. 16: 14275-14287.
Chao Y. S., Wang L. C., Chen C. T., Wang C. C., 2024. New distribution of Utricularia warburgii (Lentibulariaceae) from Taiwan. Taiwania 69: 560-568.
Chen F. L., Cheng Z. Y., Gao C., Li C. X., Zhang C. Q., Yu C. L., Dong Z. C., Jiang L., 2024. Capillarity constructed open siphon for sustainable drainage. Small 20: e2307079.
Chen F. L., Cheng Z. Y., Jiang L., Dong Z. C., 2024. Capillary wicking on Heliamphora minor-mimicking mesoscopic trichomes array. Biomimetics 9: e102.
Chirilă S. D., Doroftei M., Vassilev K., Covaliov S., 2024. The phytocoenology, distribution, and habitat preferences of the species Aldrovanda vesiculosa (Droseraceae) in Romania. Bot. Serb. 48: 47–60.
Choi M., Park S., Choi S., So H., 2023. Peristome-mimetic surfaces using three-dimensional microcavities for unidirectional liquid transport. Sensors Actuators A-Physic. 363: e114754
Chomicki G., Burin G., Busta L., Gozdzik J., Jetter R., Mortimer B., Bauer U., 2024. Convergence in carnivorous pitcher plants reveals a mechanism for composite trait evolution. Science 383: 108-113.
Ivanova M. O., Volkova P. A., Bobrov A. A., 2024. Findings of aquatic vascular plants on the Sakhalin Island. Inland Water Biol. 17: 506-507.
Jerauld M., Vaccare J., Dierberg F., Carr N. L., Potts J., Debusk T., 2024. Mercury concentrations in macrophytes, periphyton, and detritus in the Everglades, Florida, USA, with special attention to Utricularia species. Aquat. Bot. 192: e103758.
Jobson R. W., Baleeiro P. C., 2023. Molecular phylogenetic study of Utricularia section Oligocista in Australia and a new Cape York endemic species. Telopea 26: 145-158.
Jobson R. W., Elkan L. F., Baleerio P. C., 2024. Molecular phylogeny of the suspended aquatic Utricularia (sect. Utricularia) with a new hybrid species U. × jacobsii from northern Australia, a new section Biovularia, and confirmation of two species in New Zealand. Telopea 27: 165–176.
Kangabam L., 2024. The hunters in green: Carnivory in plants. Resonance 28: 1513–1522.
Katogi T., Shirakawa J., Goto K., Hoshi Y., 2024. DR-OPC01 sequence disperses throughout the Drosera rotundifolia-derived genomes in the allohexaploid sundew Drosera tokaiensis. Cytologia 89: 235–244.
Kelly-Bellow R., Lee K., Kennaway R., Barclay J. E., Whibley A., Bushell C., Spooner J., Yu M., Brett P., Kular B., Cheng S. J., Chu J. F., Xu T., Lane B., Fitzsimons J., Xue Y. B., Smith R. S., Whitewoods C. D., Coen E., 2023. Brassinosteroid coordinates cell layer interactions in plants via cell wall and tissue mechanics. Science 380: 1275-1281.
Khalid S. A., Abd Algaffar S., Tajuddeen N., Lombe B. K., Bringmann G., 2024. Naphthylisoquinoline alkaloids: novel agents against the causative pathogens of eumycetoma and actinomycetoma-en route to broad-spectrum antimycetomal drugs. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 68: e01612-23.
Knorr N., Auth P., Kruppert S., Stahl C. A., Lücking K. M., Tauber F., Speck T., 2024. Speaking valve with integrated biomimetic overpressure release and acoustic warning signal. Sci. Rep. 14: e26655.
Kong S., Wei H., Zhang Y., Rao Q. Q., 2024. UV-driven self-replenishing liquid-infused surface with promising anti-algal adhesion performance. RSC Adv. 14: 28596-28607.
Korn R., Berg C., Bersier L. F., Gray S. M., Thallinger G. G., 2024. Habitat conditions and not moss composition mediate microbial community structure in Swiss peatlands. Environ. Microbiol. 26: e16631.
Krishnapriya M. P., Silva S. R., Miranda V. F. O., Nampy S., 2024. Revisiting Utricularia section Nigrescentes (Lentibulariaceae) in India and re-instating Utricularia roseopurpurea, integrating morphological and molecular data. Rheedea 34: 20–38.
Kucherov I. B., Zverev A. A., 2024. Phytocoenotical positions of suboceanic heath and wet-meadow plants in boreal-forest zone of European Russia. Proc. Tomsk. State Univ. -Biology 66: DOI10.17223/19988591/66/4.
Lagunday N. E., Amoroso V. B., 2024. Emended description of Nepenthes surigaoensis (Nepenthaceae), a poorly known species from Mindanao (Philippines). Phytotaxa 666: 67-72.
Lagunday N. E., Yorong A. P., Amoroso V. B., 2024. Nepenthes kampalili (Nepenthaceae), a new species of pitcher plant from the eastern Mindanao biodiversity corridor, Philippines. Phytotaxa 644: 163-170.
Laspisa D., Illa-Berenguer E., Bang S., Schmitz R. J., Parrott W., Wallace J., 2024. Corrigendum: Mining the Utricularia gibba genome for insulator-like elements for genetic engineering. Front. Plant Sci. 15: e1412239.
Lee C. Y., Chen Y. C., Huang Y. H., Lien Y., Huang C. Y., 2024. Cytotoxicity and multi-enzyme inhibition of Nepenthes miranda stem extract on H838 human non-small cell lung cancer cells and RPA32, elastase, tyrosinase, and hyaluronidase proteins Nepenthes khasiana. Plants (Basel) 13: e797.
Li C. C., Zhu Y. X., Yang Y., Miao W. T., Shi X. T., Xu K. F., Li Z. H., Xiao H. N., Wu F. G., 2024. Bioinspired multifunctional cellulose film: In situ bacterial capturing and for infected wounds. Bioact. Mater. 36: 595-612.
Li J. H., Zhou Z. N., Jiao X., Guo Z. G., Fu F. Y., 2024. Bioinspired lubricant-infused porous surfaces: A review on principle, fabrication, and applications. Surf. Interf. 53: e105037.
Liu S. K., Smith S. D., 2023. Replicated radiations in the South American marsh pitcher plants (Heliamphora) lead to convergent carnivorous trap morphologies. Am. J. Bot. 110: e16230.
Liu Y., Chen X. L., Li G. Y., Xu J. R., Zeng Q., Xu R. G., Gong Y. S., Chen W., 2024. Nepenthes-inspired saliva-amassing low-dosed risk-factor alerted detecting (SALAD) mouthguard for forewarning of the intraoral cancer. Chem. Engin. J. 502: e157802.
Lopes-Neto R. B., Cardoso J. B., Scatigna A. V., 2024. Philcoxia cachimboensis (Plantaginaceae): a new carnivorous species from Serra do Cachimbo, eastern Amazon, Brazil. Acta Amazon. 54: e54bc23171.
López-Pérez J. D., Zamudio S., Munguía-Lino G., Rodríguez A., 2024. A new endemic species and species richness distribution of the genus Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae) in the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt, Mexico. Bot. Sci. 102: 995-1008.
López-Pérez J. D., Zamudio S., Munguía-Lino G., Rodríguez A., 2024. Species richness, geographic distribution and endemism of Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae) in the Mexican Transition Zone. Phytotaxa 641: 31-46.
Lovadi I., Ifadatin S., Andarisko B., 2023. Preliminary study on the man-made habitat of Utricularia gibba L. in the tropical peatland environment. IOP Conf. Series: Earth Environ. Sci. 1266: e012009.
Lukács A., Szabó S., Krasznai E., Görgényi J., Tóth I., Béres V., Lerf V., Nemes-Kókai Z., Borics G., 2024. Physical structure of the environment contributes to the development of diversity of microalgal assemblages. Sci. Rep. 14: e13498.
Luna-Samano M. R., Martínez-Peralta C., Trejo-Loyo A. G., Alcalá R. E., 2024. Ecological interactions of carnivorous plants: beyond the relationship with their prey. Arthropod-Plant Interact. 18: 193-204.
Ma Q. Y., Yang Q., Zhang J. L., Ren F. Z., Xia C. X., Chen F., 2024. Anti-corrosion properties of bio-inspired surfaces: a systematic review of recent research developments. Mater. Adv. 5: 2689-2718.
Makowski W., Mrzygłód K., Szopa A., Kubica P., Krychowiak-Maśnicka M., Tokarz K. M., Tokarz B., Ryngwelska I., Paluszkiewicz E., Królicka A., 2024. Effect of agitation and temporary immersion on growth and synthesis of antibacterial phenolic compounds in genus Drosera. Biomolecules 14: e1132.
Maneenet J., Tajuddeen N., Nguyen H. H., Fujii R., Lombe B. K., Feineis D., Awale S.; Bringmann G., 2024. Droserone and dioncoquinone B, and related naphthoquinones as potent antiausterity agents against human PANC-1 pancreatic cancer cells. Results Chem. 7: e101352.
Mansur M., Salamah A., Mirmanto E., Brearley F. Q., 2024. Ecology of Nepenthes on Mount Talang, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Trop. Ecol. 65: 460-469
Margulies J. D., Trost B., Hamon L., Kerr N. Z., Kunz M., Randall J. L., Shew R. D., Shew D. M., Starke L., Suiter D., West Z., 2024. Expert assessment of illegal collecting impacts on Venus flytraps and priorities for research on illegal trade. Conserv. Biol. 38: e14320.
Melchior P. P., Reiss E., Payne Z., Vuong N., Hovorka K., Lindsay H. L., et al., 2024. Analysis of the northern pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea L.) phytotelm bacteriome throughout a temperate region growing season. PLoS ONE 19: e0306602.
Miguel-Tome S., Llinas R. R., 2021. Broadening the definition of a nervous system to better understand the evolution of plants and animals. Plant Signal. Behav. 16: e1927562.
Miller T. E., Cuellar-Gempeler C., Pastore A. I., Canter E., Mason O. U., 2022. Effects of community richness and competitive asymmetry on Protozoa evolution in Sarracenia purpurea leaves. Am. Natur. 200 (5): DOI10.1086/721010
Mohanty A. K., Govekar A., de Souza C., Mohapatra A., Janarthanam M. K., Vukanti R., Montemarano J. J., Nina P. B., 2024. Evaluating the carnivorous efficacy of Utricularia aurea (Lamiales: Lentibulariaceae) on the larval stages of Anopheles stephensi, Culex quinquefasciatus, and Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae). J. Med. Entomol. 61: 719-725.
Morshneva A. V., Khandy M. T., Grigorchuk V. P., Chernoded G. K., Gorpenchenko T. Y., 2023. Accumulation of polyphenols and naphthoquinones in morphogenic cultures of two Drosera species. Russian Plant Physiol. 70 SI: e175.
Moulton D. E., Oliveri H., Goriely A., Thorogood C. J., 2023. Mechanics reveals the role of peristome geometry in prey capture in carnivorous pitcher plants (Nepenthes). PNAS USA 120: e2306268120.
Naranjo-Aguilar V., Mora-Castro R., Morera-Huertas J., Acuña-Castillo R. H., Rojas-Jimenez K., 2024. Comparison of the microbiome and mycobiome in tissues of the tropical carnivorous epiphytic herb Utricularia jamesoniana Oliv. (Lentibulariaceae). Bot. Sci. 102: 401-415.
Nekos A., Boiaryn M., Karpyuk Z., Kotsun L., Andreyeva V., 2024. Evaluation of the efficiency of functioning of the nature reserve fund in the Pripet river basin in the Volyn region. Proc. V. N. Karazin Kharkiv Nat. Univ., Series: Geology, Geography, Ecology 60: 389-398.
Nikolaeva (Pushkareva) L. A., Koroleva T. M., Titova G. E., 2023. [Growing conditions and seed productivity of Pinguicula vulgaris (Lentibulariaceae) in Leningrad Region]. In Russ. with Eng. summary. Bot. Zhurn. 108: 670-689.
Nisler J., Klimeš P., Koncitíková R., Kadlecová A., Voller J., Chalaki M., Karampelias M., Murvanidze N., Werbrouck S. P. O., Kopečný D., Havlíček L., De Diego N., Briozzo P., Moréra S., Zalabák D., Spíchal L., 2024. Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase inhibitors: progress towards agricultural practice. J. Exp. Bot. 75: 4873-4890.
Obrial G. G., Agbas D. J. D., Medina M. N. D., Cabras A. A., 2024. Three new mimetic weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae) from Mt. Candalaga, Davao de Oro, Mindanao island, Philippines. Zootaxa 5541: 438-454.
Orales J. F. M., Gouda E., Cascante-Marin A., 2024. New records and miscellaneous notes on the Bromeliaceae of Trinidad and Tobago. Carib. J. Sci. 54: 18-25.
Pavlovič A., Koller J., Vrobel O., Chamrád I., Lenobel R., Tarkowski P., 2024. Is the co-option of jasmonate signalling for botanical carnivory a universal trait for all carnivorous plants? J. Exp. Bot. 75: 334–349.
Płachno B. J., Kapusta M., Feldo M., Świątek P., 2024. Homogalacturonans and hemicelluloses in the external glands of Utricularia dichotoma traps. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25: e13124.
Płachno B. J., Kapusta M., Stolarczyk P, Świątek P. 2024. Do cuticular gaps make it possible to study the composition of the cell walls in the glands of Drosophyllum lusitanicum? Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25: e1320.
Płachno B. J., Kapusta M., Stolarczyk P., Feldo M., Świątek P., 2024. Cell wall microdomains in the external glands of Utricularia dichotoma traps. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25: e6089.
Płachno B. J., Kapusta M., Stolarczyk P., Feldo M., Świątek P., 2024. Do arabinogalactan proteins occur in the transfer cells of Utricularia dichotoma? Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25: e6623.
Płachno B. J., Kapusta, M., 2024. The localization of cell wall components in the quadrifids of whole-mount immunolabeled Utricularia dichotoma traps. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25: e56.
Pospelov I. N., Pospelova E. B., 2024. New findings of vascular plants on the Putorana Plateau. Turczaninowia 27: 45-56.
Procko C., Chory J., 2024. Carnivorous plant evolution: is a killer defense always the best option? J. Exp. Bot. 75: 9–12.
Puchalski K., Jacobs B. L., Langland J. O., 2024. In vitro evaluation of antiviral activity in carnivorous plant species. Virology 597: e110144.
Qian, Y.; Chen, S.; Zhang, Z.; Bao, G.; Ma, M.; Wang, K.; Liu, C.; Wang, Q. 2024. Characterization and theoretical analysis of the Venus flytrap trigger hair. Appl. Sci. 14: e5937.
Raudabaugh D. B., Aime M. C., 2024. A survey of bacteria and fungi associated with leaves, rhizophylls, and vesicles of the carnivorous plant Genlisea hispidula (Lentibulariaceae). Diversity 16: e77.
Renjana E., Firdiana E. R., Handayani T., et al., 2024. Exploring a critically endangered pitcher plant Nepenthes rigidifolia and predicting its distribution habitat in North Sumatra, Indonesia. J. Nat. Conserv. 80: e126645.
Rentsch J. D., 2024. In a warming world: Sarracenia as a possible model for range shift dynamics and conservation highlights need for additional population genomics research. Castanea 89: 109-111
Rentsch J. D., Blanco S. R., Leebens-Mack J. H., 2024. Comparative transcriptomics of Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) across stages of prey capture and digestion. PLoS ONE 19: e0305117.
Reut M. S., 2023. Systematic Biology of Utricularia Subgenus Polypompholyx (Lentibulariaceae) With a Focus on the Developmental Morphology of Vegetative Organs. PhD-thesis, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland.
Robinson J. E., Roberts D. L., 2024. Determining the legality of newly described CITES-listed species in the horticulture trade of tropical pitcher plants (Nepenthes). Conserv. Biol. 38: e14361.
Romanov R. E., Dragicevic S., Troia A., 2024. Isoetes gymnocarpa and Utricularia x neglecta - new taxa for Montenegro. Acta Bot. Croat. 83: 176-178.
Saul F., Scharmann M., Wakatake T., Rajaraman S., Marques A., Freund M., Bringmann G., Channon L., Becker D., Carroll E., Low Y. W., Lindqvist C., Gilbert K. J., Renner T., Masuda S., Richter M., Vogg G., Shirasu K., Michael T. P., Hedrich R., Albert V. A., Fukushima K., 2023. Subgenome dominance shapes novel gene evolution in the decaploid pitcher plant Nepenthes gracilis. Nat. Plants 9: 2000–2015.
Shen T., Li N., Liu S. J., Yu C. L., Zhang C. Q., Yang K., Li X. F., Fang R. C., Jiang L., Dong Z. C., 2024. Fast prototype and rapid construction of three-dimensional and multi-scaled pitcher for controlled drainage by systematic biomimicry. Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 6: e035502.
Shevchyk L. O., Solomakha I. V., Margitych M. M., Solomakha V. A., 2024. New records of Aldrovanda vesiculosa (Droseraceae) and Utricularia minor (Lentibulariaceae) from Biloozerskyi National Nature Park (Middle Dnipro Region). Ukrain. Bot. J. 81: 162-166.
Schlauer J., Fleischmann A., Hartmeyer S. R. H., Hartmeyer I., Rischer H., 2024. Distribution of acetogenic naphthoquinones in Droseraceae and their chemotaxonomic utility. Biology (Basel)13: e97.
Schmid S. A., Turnage G., 2024. Utricularia macrorhiza LeConte (common bladderwort; Lentibulariaceae) recorded in the Mississippi Delta. Castanea 89: 190–195.
Strzemski M., Adamec L., Dresler S., Mazurek B., Dubaj K., Stolarczyk P., Feldo M., Płachno B. J., 2024. Shoots and turions of aquatic plants as a source of fatty acids. Molecules 29: e2062.
Su H. H., Lin E. S., Huang Y. H., Lien Y., Huang C. Y., 2024. Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 Nsp9 ssDNA-binding activity and cytotoxic effects on H838, H1975, and A549 human non-small cell lung cancer cells: Exploring the potential of Nepenthes miranda leaf extract for pulmonary disease treatment. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25: e6120.
Sudirman S., Beahaki A., Fathullah F., Janna M., 2023. Effects of extraction temperature on polyphenol compounds and antioxidant activity of golden bladderwort (Utricularia aurea). Agrotech 43: 308-313.
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