====== Trifid 2008/2 ====== [{{:trifid:t2008-2.jpg |[[https://www.darwiniana.cz/soubory/Trifid/T2008-2.pdf|DOWNLOAD TRIFID 2008/2]]}}] ===== Utricularia delphinoides – sapphire jewel of the East ===== **Martin Spousta** There are lots of secrets about trying to keep this plant outside of its natural environment. Important information about natural habitats are also in the article. ===== A. Lowrie's window ===== **Allen Lowrie** (translation by **Zdeněk Žáček**) A taxonomic revision of //Drosera// section //Stolonifera//, part I. A great description of the first two species of the tuberous sundews group, //Drosera fimbriata// and //Drosera humilis//. ===== Forgotten heliamphora – Heliamphora macdonaldae ===== **Stewart McPherson** (translation by **Zdeněk Žáček**) There are still many differences between //H. tatei// and //H. macdonaldae//. It is a pity that many growers think about this unique plant only as a //H. tatei// variety. ===== Pitcher plants in "in vitro" culture ===== **Michal Kouba** An useful article about //in vitro// technique with a stress on how to clamp down possible contamination. ===== A report about the visit to carnivorous plants locations in the Třeboň basin ===== **Adam Veleba** The author visited many bog fields and wet meadows in the Třeboň area where a large majority of Czech carnivorous plants grow. There are many carnivorous species found in quite small area and the author describes the findings of six of them. ===== What is interesting in the Liberec Botanical Garden: Heliconias – Plants of legends ===== **Miloslav Studnička** Heliconias are very tall tropical plants with flowers pollinated by humming birds. The name is not the only thing which is divine and mythological. ===== Mirek Zacpal's Australian diary – Drosera binata on rocks ===== **Mirek Zacpal** A trip to the Blue Mountains was very successful and the author found many examples of this famous plant growing in a very broad temperature scale. ===== Interinfo: supplement about not only Darwiniana events and other informations ===== * Report of the Darwiniana general meeting in Liberec: Entry of the official part and voting of the General meeting in Liberec * New books: Stewart McPherson – //Lost worlds of the Guiana Highlands//, //Glistening Carnivores// * Carnivores in Brno – notes about the Brno exhibition * Report from the public forum * Librarian recommends… ===== Fungal and bacterial diseases of plants – fytotoxicity of fungicid agents ===== **Veronika Krejčová** ===== Short articles ===== * **A review of the Živa magazine** – What you can read in the current issue. * **Jan Cvrček: How to manage the decay of Sarracenias** * **Michal Rubeš: Growers – the real pest** * **Michal Rubeš: Visit to Česká Lípa’s natural habitats of carnivores and orchids** * **Attention! Competition - Finding a plant with a story!** {{tag>darwiniana}}